Home Haiku

Inspired by the prompt Home from S Lynn Knight and of course the Deep Dive into Silence started at Chalkboard from Kathy Jacobs’s One-Line Weekly prompt project, that continues to sit with me.


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6 Steps to Apply the Product Mindset in Services Teams

Modern Software Development teams often apply what is called the Product Mindset because it helps them make better decisions over the lifetime of a product. By considering the entirety of a product including its serviceability and supportability we make better long term decisions instead of just making decisions that are good in the short term.

When this mindset isn’t applied in a service team it can lead to the implementation of unscaleable services. Without implementing strategic improvements that simplify and eliminate the low-value activities of providing a service, the resource requirements of a service scale linearly in proportion to the growth in requests for that service.

Example in practice: For a team supporting a product, in order to maintain a constant level of service, even if the product doesn’t change, as the number of customers of the product grows, the support team will also need to grow in proportion to customer growth.

By applying a Product Mindset, service teams can scale up serviceability at a non-linear scale by leveraging opportunities to improve and simplify what they do.

In this post, I’ll outline how the Product Mindset can be interpreted by a service team to make it easier to apply. I will also provide a 6 step process on how to get started as well as links to previous posts that will elaborate further on the implementation aspects of this approach.

At its core, teams that apply the Product Mindset think about work in two broad buckets. In addition, they continually look at establishing a sustainable pace of delivery.

At a high level, all work can be categorised into two broad buckets

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Pubblicazioni LiB 2019

Dalla pagina facebook. “Pubblicazioni LiB 2019” is published by Gabriel Finn Valenti.